Interactive Lesson



Discussion Questions

What social networking sites do you use?

What are some good points about social networking?

What are some bad points about social networking?

What kind of information are you comfortable releasing to the public?

Do your parents use social networking sites?

What type of information should you put on social networking sites?

Have you ever experienced toxicity in the online world? How did you deal with it?

Why do you think are people so toxic on the internet?

Use the following words to fill in the gaps:

Correct answers: 0/10

Using social networks, we have more chances to meet people, who would share common interests with us, while offline, we are often restricted by our own social .
My roommate seems to keep up the of a cheerful girl. However, she's actually going through a tough period in her life.
People are not able to understand their reactions properly if they don't see them in real life.
A lot of influencers claim it's possible to lose weight without sweets or junk food from your diet.
You might think that you benefit if you constantly utilize social media. However, it's likely to be to your relationships with your family or friends if you hardly ever meet them face-to-face.
Never let your personal emotions into your work if you don't want to get fired.
My classmates are all over the world. Yet, we've been contact for all these years.
Nowadays, the digital world people to get better with a girlfriend or boyfriend faster. They don't have to meet face-to-face every day in order to get to know each other better.
For some reason, Matthew can't contact with his mother-in-law. He seems to be such a good guy, but his wife's mum still can't stand him.

Reflecting a bit

What does loneliness mean?

Is it as sad and harmful to feel lonely as most people think? Why (not)?

What do you think has led to loneliness so many people suffer from today?

What leads or might lead to loneliness?

Do people still need each other in the world of technology? Why (not)?

Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verb (Gerund, infinitive with or without "to"):

Correct answers: 0/24

I can afford (to live) anywhere in the world since I'm working remotely.
I appreciate (to have) your advice, but it's my life, and I'll figure out how much I should (to use) social media myself!
Jensen deserves (to win) in the game competition. He's been practicing (to play) the game for 3 years.
Robin doesn't claim (to be) right about that, but she's against utilizing the internet every single day.
I regret (to spend) so little time with my family, but my job means (to be) online 24/7.
You'd better (to take) your eyes off the screen and (to talk) to me!
Do you really remember (to text) Sarah back? She insists that you haven't messaged her for a week.
I seriously consider (to resign) and finding a job online.
Michelle intends (to spend) the whole day chatting with Bobby. She's crazy about him.
Paul stopped (to work) to answer a video call.
Can you please help me (to beat) my phone addiction?
Never let your personal problems (to spill) over into your work.
You seem (to keep) up the facade of a happy person.
I know it's difficult because all your relatives are scattered round the world, but try (to maintain) contact with them.
I prefer (to see) my interlocutor's reactions in order to understand their true emotions.
The digital world enables people (to get) better acquainted with a prospective girlfriend or boyfriend faster.
I can't (to establish) contact with my colleagues.
Tristan is considering (to move) to a new place to start a new life.

Rounding up

What benefits does online dating provide?

What are the drawbacks of offline dating?

Is it possible to build good relationships in real life if you meet your partner online? Why (not)?

Do you know anyone who's built good relationships after meeting their partner over social media?

Would you recommend anyone to try to find love over social media? Why (not)?

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